Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pros and Cons of Running With Other Humans

Over the summer, I was (and still am) on my own training schedule.  Often, since it didn't line up with the high school's training schedule, this meant I would be running on my own.  Several weeks into the summer, I finally got a chance to run with another human being, and I can honestly say I have never appreciated it as much as I did that day.  I had forgotten how much more relaxed a long run can be when you have someone beside you chatting about life, goals, plans for the future, and what you watched on Netflix last night.  I didn't think about that experience much until today, when I got to trade 8 miles on the treadmill watching Bones for 8 miles outdoors running with one of my best friends after I bumped into him in the hall.  So, here they are.  The pros and cons of running with and without people.

Pros of Running Alone:
-You have time to think deep thoughts.  Some of the most amazing epiphanies I've ever had have come while I was out alone on a trail somewhere, pondering the meaning of life.  Some people swear by yoga for meditation, but for me, it's always been all about running.
-If you desperately need to pee in the middle of a run and there are no bathrooms around, you don't have to worry about accidentally mooning a friend.
-If you're having a bad day for running, you don't have to beat yourself up trying to keep up with them, or get frustrated when you can't.  You can just take it easy.
-You can listen to music without getting in trouble with anyone.

Pros of Running With People:
-You can talk about just about anything.  While I've had some amazing epiphanies alone, I've also had many a great conversation while running with friends.  You don't truly know a person until you've spent ten sweaty miles with them just saying whatever comes into your head.  And when you need to vent about something, venting to someone while running is scientifically proven to be at least 500% more efficient.  (Or something like that)
-If you desperately need to pee in the middle of the run with no bathroom in sight, you can have your friends stand guard on the trail and make sure you don't accidentally moon a stranger.  (Which is much worse than mooning a teammate)
-You have people to help push you during workouts.  If you've never attempted an interval workout alone, try it sometime.  It feels much easier when you have several people who run your pace pushing you to do your best, and making sure you don't go too fast or too slow.
-You can make some really good friends when you run with people.

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