Monday, February 2, 2015

Eating Healthy

If you asked one of my friends or coaches about my eating habits, they would probably laugh.  I definitely do not have the stereotypical distance athlete's diet.  My idea of the perfect snack is Kit-Kats dipped in Nutella, and I've been known to eat an entire cake by myself in a matter of hours.  Is it a delicious lifestyle?  Yes.  But will it make me a better runner?  I wish I could say yes, but alas, I haven't heard much about diabetes making one faster.
So, as of today, I've decided (or rather, re-decided) to eat healthier.  I've made this goal several times in the past, but more often then not, I end up at Smith's after a ten-mile day with my mom's credit card and a box of donuts staring me in the face.  Those must be the days of the past.  To help me in my journey to healthier eating, I've recruited my favorite training partner and best friend, Jacob.  He is under strict commands to enforce my new desire to eat better, and to not enable me to buy anything like cake or donuts when we're at the store together anymore.
Since I know I'll just end up having a crazy chocolate-binge if I quit cold turkey, I've decided to allow myself something massive and sugary once a week.  Hopefully this will be enough to keep the part of my brain that is constantly wailing, "CHOCOLATEEEEEE!" at bay.

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