Thursday, December 11, 2014

End of the Year Breaks

At the end of every season, my coach has me take about two weeks off before starting training for the next season.  The cycle of these breaks typically goes something like this.
First, you have a sense of relief.  You get fourteen whole days to rest and relax before you hit the trails again.  Since these breaks shortly come after Nike Nationals or the Utah state track meet, the first few days give you a chance to recover.  For me, it is the first time in about seven months that I have taken time off.
Next, you begin to get a little antsy.  You hit the gym to try to get rid of some of that excess energy.  You desperately cram homework into the time slots that running used to fill.  You frantically cling to your sanity and pray that you will last until the end of this break.
Finally, in the last few days before you can run again, you become a manic, over-energized crazy.  You dream of feeling the dirt under your feet.  You gaze longingly at your running shoes, and tell yourself that no one would know if you snuck an easy run in just one day early.  You do ab workouts for the first time in months.  Your friends and family start to get concerned about your welfare.  It's not pretty.
Currently, I am just entering the second stage.  Pray for my soul, that I might survive this next week and three days.

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